Bayfield Gardens, Dymock, Gloucestershire, GL18 2BH

01531 890424

Ann Cam Church of England Primary School

Little Daffodils Pre-School
Deeply Rooted and Flourishing Together


Curriculum Intent: Skills

Our oracy curriculum will enable children to:

  • Speak with confidence, clarity and eloquence;
  • Recognise the importance of listening in conjunction with speaking,
  • Be confident in the value of their own opinions and to be able to express and justify them to others;
  • Adapt their use of language for a range of different purposes and audiences,
  • Sustain a logical argument, question, reason and respond to others appropriately;
  • Concentrate, interpret and respond appropriately to a wide range of immersive experiences;
  • Be open-minded, to respect the contribution of others and to take account of their views;
  • Share their learning in an engaging, informative way through presentations, drama, poetry and debate.


Curriculum Implementation

From the very start of their time at Little Daffodils and Ann Cam, oracy is a key focus. In EYFS, ‘Communication and Language’ is one of our prime Areas of Learning. It is fundamental and supports learning and development in all other areas.

Oracy is at the heart of everything we do in EYFS at Little Daffodils and Ann Cam.

  • We take part in Gloucestershire’s yearly Oracy competition (Look Who’s Talking). This gives pupils across the school and opportunity to perform a speech to their peers and then later compete with other schools within Primary QuEST and then with pupils across the county.
  • We encourage our pupils to express their ideas and opinions, to listen to the opinions of others and to ask questions.
  • We provide opportunities to develop oracy both indoors and outdoors through activities such as role play, small world play, stories, rhymes and songs, asking open questions, giving directions, playing listening games, use of Talking Partners and Story Making.
  • We model how to be a good listener and we model language appropriate for different situations.
  • We show the children how to use language for negotiating and explaining, and how to predict possible endings to stories.
  • We encourage children to develop narratives in their play.
  • We encourage children to take turns in conversations, understanding simple questions about ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’ and sometimes ‘why’


Our KS1 and KS2 curriculums are rich in oracy opportunities:

Core subjects:

  • Maths- in all lessons we encourage the use of talk partners and class discussions, particularly when answering 'Reasoning’ (what has this person done wrong and can you correct it?) and ‘Problem Solving’ questions we encourage the children to answer in full sentences. Our children use stem sentences based on White Rose Maths.
  • Writing- Our feedback policy is centres around oracy and the ‘live’ marking process allows children to discuss their writing openly with their teacher and peers. They can then act immediately on advice given and this cultivates a sense of collaboration and shared purpose.
  • Reading- our approach to reading teaches the skills of reading which have oracy at its core. We encourage cumulative talk around comprehension as well as teacher modelling before pupils attempt any written answers. At Ann Cam we not only teach children how to answer comprehension questions but also how to read for example inference, expression and understanding difficult words.


Across the curriculum:

  • Music - Children actively feedback to each other on group performances.
  • Science- Concept cartoons are used to stimulate discussion and children are continually encouraged to question their own predictions and results of experiments.


Pupil voice

  • Pupil conferencing takes place for every subject and throughout the year
  • All pupils in Year 6 also have opportunities, to deliver assemblies to the whole school and parents.
  • House Meetings take place every term and allow pupils to voice their opinions and views with their House Captains and Vice Captains


By the time children leave Ann Cam Primary, our expectation is that they can speak clearly to a variety of audiences, articulate and express their thoughts and ideas and conduct and participate in respectful discussions.


Curriculum Impact

The impact oracy has on our children is clear to see, they are confident speakers, and they embrace opportunities to speak whether it be in the classroom, in assembly, in front of a panel of governors or in front of parents. The proof of the oracy learning that has taken place is heard in the voices of the children that we teach. It will be heard when listening to them recite a poem, watching them turn-take in a group discussion, felt through the profound questions they ask and the attentiveness with which they listen.
