Bayfield Gardens, Dymock, Gloucestershire, GL18 2BH

01531 890424

Ann Cam Church of England Primary School

Little Daffodils Pre-School
Deeply Rooted and Flourishing Together

Welcome to Class 4! 

Our class teacher is Mr Walsh and our Teaching Partner is Mrs Pearson.


Our summer term topic is...


Ancient Maya! 






Class 4 Summer Term Letter


 We will still welcome the children into class at 8.45am, through the door next to our classroom. Doors will close at 8.50am for lessons to begin. Children will need to bring a named water bottle into school and a raincoat/sunhat depending on the weather.

Children can bring a snack for break times. We ask that snacks come to school in their natural wrapper / tub. (e.g fruit, veg or a healthy snack bar).

Children will need their PE kits in school for the designated PE times. This will be Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. We will have tennis with Mr Cooke on Monday, Functional Movement circuits with Mr Stillwell on Wednesday and Gymnastics with Miss Turner on Thursday. Please pack long sleeves and long bottoms for the cold weather!

Spellings and times tables will be sent home on Wednesday and returned the following Monday.

We really encourage the children to read as much as possible at home - children also have their accelerated reader logins in their reading record. Please ask if you don’t know your details.


This term, we will be expecting children to read at least 20 mins, 3 times per week. It really does help them to excel in all areas of the curriculum!

Research proves that 20 mins of reading a day:

  • Improves critical thinking skills, encourages children to ask questions about new cultures and experiences, fosters empathy, widens imagination and boosts creativity

20 minutes of reading a day adds up to 1.8 million words a year!!


Thank you for all your support,

Mr Walsh